هل يبدو صوتك مختلفا عندما تسمعه على جهاز التسجيل؟

لـــماذا تــبدو أصواتــنا مختلـفة 

حين نسمعها على جهاز تسجيل؟

غالباً ما تُصاب بالصدمة حين تسمع صوتك عبر جهاز التسجيل أو عبر الميكروفون، لأن الصوت يكون غريباً ومختلفاً عما تسمعه لنفسك، فما هو السبب؟!

السبب هو أنك عندما تبدأ في الحديث يهتز الحلق مسبباً اهتزاز تجاويف الفم والبشرة والجمجمة. هذا الاهتزاز ينتقل بدوره إلى طبلة الأذن ليمتزج مع موجات الصوت مما يجعل صوتك أكثر عمقاً ورزانة.

أما حين تتحدث من خلال جهاز التسجيل فإن الصوت ينتقل عبر الهواء فقط فتكون تردداته أقل من ترددات العظام، مما يعطي الصوت طابعاً مختلفاً عما تسمعه لنفسك، وهذا الصوت الذي تسمعه عبر جهاز التسجيل هو الصوت الذي يسمعه الآخرون حولك.

أما عن سبب شعورك بالصدمة حينما تسمع هذا الصوت فهو أن عقلك يرقض تصديق أن هذا الصوت هو صوتك، ولذا تشعر بالاستغراب والخجل من هذا الصوت الذي تسمعه.

المصدر: مجلة Popular Sciense

Beautiful girl came for a dinner with BF busy on mobile

Beautiful girl came for a dinner with BF busy on mobile
mostly people come for dinner and use there mobile and never enjoy 
that movement on hotel 
mostly also not avoid the using of mobile on date also
using of mobile is a Trent now a days 

The queen of Hills (Murree)

The queen of Hills (Murree) (Description)

The snow fall start from the sky, threads of snows were hanging on the tree leaves, I feel myself as a snow man. I am standing in the middle of the valley, the police man wear coat and long shoes moving around on 150 and 250 cc motor bikes.

On Sunday I open my room window look what I saw the snow fall on the Queen of Hills. I just go out for it, a beautiful snow fall is fallen on the road, all roads were covered by the white snow, and it gives feeling of whit carpet the snow falling is considered one of the most beautiful view in the world. The snow falling feels in the street light like the fairies feathers. If you ever seen this type of snowfall you will really pay thanks to God to give you opportunity to watch such a tremendous view. The sun shining in the morning, the snow fall from the sky, trees and the top of the hills; these four element make the world a beautiful painting of a painter, you feel like a you are part of this painting or you are an attractive color of this painting.in this valley there was an old building of the church and on the other side of the church there was tainted symbol of Islam the glorious Masque standing on the earth, it give a beautiful interpretation in the fog. Snow fall was falling on me also. There was a lot of space for car parking in the Queen of hills near by 3000 but in the situation like that car parking became thin for view such weather. In the city there were just 220 hotels in the valley which were not enough for those people who want to stay there. the police man wear coat and long shoes moving around on 150 and 250 cc motor bikes which is very hazardous in this type of weather. There will be no people remaining who never take picture in front of the GPO of the Queen of Hills.

The Queen of Hills, the Snow falling and the wide range of white painting of snow fall and I was standing in the middle of the valley like black spot, the valley laughing on me and the life feels like still.